Wednesday 3 August 2011

Ireland number eight Denis Leamy says his team have learned their lessons from the last World Cup and will be ready for it this time round

Four years ago, Ireland considered themselves slight favourites entering the 2007 Rugby World Cup but what followed was a poor showing in France as the Irish failed to progress beyond the group stage.

Under the guidance of former coach Eddie O'Sullivan, Ireland went into the World Cup with high expectations but struggled throughout and went out at the pool stage after defeats by France and Argentina.

One of the reasons for Ireland's disastrous World Cup campaign, was the fact that the overall preparation in the run-up to the 2007 event was flawed and O'Sullivan held his hand up in that respect afterwards.

Preparing for the tournament, the first-choice 22 were wrapped in cotton wool with senior players left at home for the June tour to Argentina and used sparingly in the two warm-up games.

However, fast forward four years and Leamy is sure Ireland will be ready for the 2011 World Cup as they prepare for their opening game against the United States on September 11.

They face Scotland in a warm-up game on Saturday and the Munster star believes the five games ahead of the tournament for the Irish will be vital.

"We prepared really well in 2007," he told PA Sport.

"We had a great pre-season and were in really great shape. We just weren't battle-hardened enough in terms of matches. Before I'd played my first game in 2007, I'd been on the pitch for possibly 30 minutes.

"With the number of warm-up games we have, lads could have possibly three to four matches played this time.

"For me the big difference this year is that when the first ball is kicked against the USA, the boys will be battle-hardened and up to speed in match fitness.

"The pre-season training has been difficult, but getting match fit is completely different to anything else.

"We probably didn't play too many warm-up games in 2007 out of concern for injury. Geordan Murphy didn't make the 2003 World Cup because of an injury and it's a difficult balance to strike. Injury is a risk."

Leamy added the players who took part in the side's failed 2007 campaign are all the wiser for it, but are keen to move on and focus at the new task at hand.

Declarations that Ireland want to win the World Cup have been placed off limits, while this time the team will also be moving around New Zealand.

"We're better off moving on from 2007 because it was so disappointing," said Leamy.

"There was a such a big build-up and it didn't help that we openly stated we want to reach the semis and final. When that didn't happen it was used as a stick to beat us with.

"This time it's all about getting out of our pool. We can start to dream from there."

In 2007, Ireland were confined to one base camp at an isolated and uninspiring hotel in Bordeaux and cabin fever quickly set in.

"It will help moving around this time - it will be nice to have a change in scenery," added Leamy.

"Being based in Bordeaux in that hotel for the duration was difficult."

The arrival of Saturday's trip to Edinburgh signals the end of the gruelling fitness training for Leamy and his team-mates.

"The last few weeks have been very intense. It's been pretty exhausting and any spare minute you have, you put up your feet, relax and take it easy," said Leamy.

"You enjoy this time in a sick way. It's a challenge and you have to try to get through the pain. Your muscles are aching and screeching at you to stop.

"It's a good test of your mental strength and it's satisfying when you come out the other end.

"It's very tough. We've had some really tough sessions with guys spewing up their dinners and stuff like that."


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